
What is Aerobics? is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and strength training routines with the goal of improving all elements of fitness (flexibility, muscular strength, and cardio-vascular fitness). It is usually performed to music and may be practiced in a group setting led by an instructor (fitness professional), although it can be done solo and without musical accompaniment. With the goal of preventing illness and promoting physical fitness, practitioners perform various routines comprising a number of different dance-like exercises. Formal aerobics classes are divided into different levels of intensity and complexity. Aerobics classes may allow participants to select their level of participation according to their fitness level. Many gyms offer a variety of aerobic classes. Each class is designed for a certain level of experience and taught by a certified instructor with a specialty area related to their particular class......

Aerobic Training Guidelines: Work out aerobically 3-4 days a week (along with strength training twice a week). Increase the pace in the middle of two 20-25 minute sessions, always warming up and cooling down, and continue with other sessions at a less intense pace. That few minutes of increased intensity a few times a week improves your cardiovascular fitness level without demanding huge amounts of time. You can increase intensity by increasing the time spent at higher levels of intensity or by doing high intensity interval training.

Pilates, for a fitter you: The benefits of Pilates are a fitter body, better posture and balance, increased abdominal and back strength and a relaxed mind. Pilates training focuses around strengthening the 'core'. The core is defined as the wide band of mid-section from the navel to the lower back, extending from the lower ribs to the pelvis. Each and every exercise in Pilates focuses on strengthening the core. You will be surprised how challenging it is to perform all exercises using these muscles.

Aerobics vs Weight Training Exercise: Sixty minutes of vigorous aerobic exercises on a treadmill is better than 90 minutes of weight-lifting in suppressing appetite.Aerobics do so by modifying release of two key appetite hormones, ghrelin and peptide YY, while weight-lifting affects the level of only ghrelin, according to a new study.This line of research may eventually lead to more effective ways to use exercise to help control weight, according to co-author, David J. Stensel of Loughborough University in Britain.

Zumba Aerobics For Beautiful Body: Zumba makes generous use of both fast and slow rhythms, thereby enabling one to work out for a longer period of time and thus burning unnecessary fat. "It is a very popular fitness regime in many parts of the world. It increases the efficiency of the various functions of the body," says dancer Lourd Vijay. Zumba has a strong and distinct Latin influence and is more about having fun than anything else — it doesn't really matter whether or not you get your steps right. It also helps one burn up to 450 calories per hour and promotes cardiovascular health.

Aerobics Endurance Training And Circuit Aerobic Training:  Aerobic Exercises are those that usually require a steady supply of oxygen when you do it to sustain the energy giving powers of the muscles of your body .An aerobic exercise is any activity performed for a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes maintaining a heart rate between 70%-80% of maximum heart rate with chief source of energy being sources being oxygen and body fat.Aerobic exercises is categorised as high or low impact. Low to moderate impact exercises: such as mild walking, swimming, stair climbing, step classes, rowing, and cross-country skiing. Anyone in reasonable health can engage in some low to moderate impact exercise in their..lives.

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