Interview With Fitness Model Angelike Psoinos

1. I know your life, Angelike, has been so hectic and active recently. What are you doing right now? How is your life going?
Life may be hectic but I am loving every minute of it!! I feel so blessed to be where I am right now. In spite of some of the trials and tribulations that life deals you at times, the outcome is always works out for according to God’s plan. I just finished competing in Altanta, GA at the FitSciences show and had great success. I placed 2nd overall in the Fitness Model Division, I placed 1st in Bikini Spokesmodel tall division, and my greatest achievement there was winning the overall of the Bikini Spokesmodel division. I was very pleased with the outcome! I am currently training for the WBFF World Championships in Toronto which will take place on September 19, 2009.
Additionally, I will be on the cover of Natural Muscle Magazine for their August/September issue. I also shot for a new magazine, called ASiB, which will be debuting in September. They have also invited me to be a regular contributing writer.
I am in the development stages of my clothing line, P31caliber. This is very near to my heart and no matter how busy I get, I always have this as a major part of my ultimate plan. It is based on my life’s mission statement and what I live by: “Who can find a woman of noble character, for her worth is far more precious than rubies? -Proverbs 31:10

And finally, I am a Territory Manager of medical device sales for DJ, Orthopaedic. I love this company and I am so honored to be a part of such a pedigree team.

2. How did you start your path in fitness modeling?

I had been doing some modeling over the years, small jobs from time to time, nothing ever consistent. I had done sports apparel catalog work, commercial print, and portfolio development. However, it wasn’t until after I won my first show that I started getting more and more work in the fitness industry. I love it and because I stay close to my stage weight when I am not competing, I get a lot of mainstream work as well. In this business, there is no off season, so I am constantly training and making my master trainer, Beau Taillefer of B2B Fitness nuts! :)
3. It might be a cliché to ask; however, what really is Fitness to you and why do you pay a significant attention to this difficult lifestyle?
Fitness to me, comes from within. Anything you set your sights upon should come from within first and foremost. You have to commit to something mentally and emotionally before ever following through physically. Same with faith in anything, in order to have faith you must then apply action. Otherwise, its just words. So, before your develop your physical muscles you must develop your mental and spiritual muscles in order to be successful with your goals. If you just go through the motions, you are stunting your growth on many levels and the results may be fleeting and vain.
4. Do you have days like you do not want to keep going anymore and change your career style?
Never. No matter where life takes me, I will always keep a healthy lifestyle. This is a lifelong commitment. I didn’t begin working out so may years ago in order to be in the pages or covers of magazines or to be interviewed such as I am right now. Although, I am so humbled and honored to be given these opportunities, my initial goal was to be healthy and fit and care for the one body I have been given in this life.
5. What has really motivated you to always look forward, keep your exercise strategies, and achieve your career goals?
My faith first, it keeps me motivated to always look forward no matter what the challenge or goal. Afterall, our feet point “forward” for a reason.
Additionally, I always surround myself with positive people. We support each other to be the best of ourselves. i.e. My parents, family members, close friends, my trainer, Beau.
6. Who inspires you the most in your rainy days and sunny days?

Spiritually, God.

On an everyday basis, hands down my trainer, Beau Taillefer. On days when I don’t feel my best or question the path in which we are taking for my next goal, he is always there to elevate me to believe in our strategy and most of all myself. And on the good days, he encourages me even more by emphasizing his pride with my progress.

7. I know you are a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, how does this sport help you with training and life?

Without a doubt my achieving my 3rd degree black belt in this artful sport has helped me in all aspects of my life. It has taught me patience, persistence, consistency, goal setting, self-control, accountability, discipline, integrity. The list of life skills is endless. My training in martial arts is never ending, it begins over and over, everyday when I wake up, breathe in and out, and face the world around me.

8. You have a memorable and bright athletic look that any women can only dream about. What is one important key to standout that you can share with readers?
First of all, thank you! What a sweet thing to say. My best is advice is to love who you are and embrace the intangible gifts you are naturally given; strength, dignity, love, generosity, integrity, valor, honor, faith. These are the true components that make you who you are, without them, everything else is idle and baron.
If you apply these gifts to your everyday life and goals, you cannot fail. No one can strip you of them, you come naturally equipped. It just requires you to have the self awareness of the power you possess with them, and with that, anything you set yourself out to do is possible. I encourage others not so much to be like someone else, but rather be the best of themselves.

9. I have known you as exotic person outside and spiritual inside, how do you keep this balance together and never apart?

Again, my faith. God gives me the tools, it is my job to keep them in a checks and balance system. Just like I stated in my previous answer; being aware of my intangible gifts affords me the ability to achieve my goals while remaining grateful and humble with every blessing that comes as a result of it all.

10. What is your workout routine?
It really depends on Beau’s plan for me and whether I am prepping for a show, a shoot, or just maintaining. But mainly it’s a combination of cardio, weight training, and specialized routines to keep my body from hitting a plateau.
11. How many days per week do you exercise?

Cardio everyday. Weight training 3-5 times a week, depending on the season.

12. How do you keep exercise entertaining and not tedious or repetitive?
This is a question for my trainer, Beau. If it were up to me I would ovethink my workouts. He gives me the opportunity to shut down my thinking for 2 hours while he puts my body to work. However, when it comes to cardio, I always have my iPod to keep me motivated with a good beat!
13. Can you please share your diet and nutrition strategies?
This is forever changing depending on the season as well. But to keep it simple, I eat 6 meals a day that consist of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, vegetables and essential fats.
14. What is your favorite part of body to work out?
Whatever body part I am working on that particular day HAS to be my favorite. I have to treat it as my favorite at that time in order to maximize my performance during my workout.
15. What is your least favorite part of body to work out?
I really don’t have a least favorite to be honest. I try not to discount any body part, that will only set me up mentally to dread a workout and therefore compromise my effort, which will effect my end result.
16. Are there any aspects of your life that you would change or do differently?
No, I feel I am where I am for a very specific purpose according to God’s ultimate plan.
17. Do you have any inspirational or motivational advice to tell people who are beginning their workout routine?
Yes, again, look within yourself and find the true reasons you want to embark on this lifelong journey. Do not get caught up in wanting to look like someone else or measure yourself against others. Remember your end result starts with your emotional and spiritual well being. You must believe in yourself first. Having the knowledge that you are already fully equipped with those intangibles I noted earlier will pave the way for your success. Stay consistent and elevate yourself above anything that adds unwanted “weight” in your life. Your strength will encourage and inspire others, which will in turn keep you motivated and your eyes on the prize.
I really had a blast interviewing this striking athletic fitness model whose talents go beyond the line. Personally, I wish Angelike Psoinos new striking victories, great set of goals to achieve tremendous success, and constant determination to get the highest summit of her dreams and desires.

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